Since 2000, we have tracked over 113 funding programs and $1,457.64MM Private government grants to date.

Recently published government funding opportunities:

Funding Opportunity
Implementing Evidence Based Prevention Interventions to Prevent New HIV Infections in the United Republic of Tanzania Under the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) Apply for CDC RFA GH12 1236SUPP16

Funding Number: CDC RFA GH12 1236SUPP16
Funding Amount: $540,000
Innovative Development in Energy-Related Applied Science (IDEAS) 2015 Apply for DE FOA 0001428

Funding Number: DE FOA 0001428
Funding Amount: $500,000
NOTICE OF INTENT TO AWARD - Activate the NPS Urban Agenda through Creative Educational Programming (Part 1); Enhance Visitor Experience and Define a Stewardship and Use Program at the Charlestown Navy Yard (Part 2). Apply for NPS 15 NERO 0151

Funding Number: NPS 15 NERO 0151
Funding Amount: $250,000
LWCF State Assistance Formula Grants - Acquisition & Construction - FY24 Apply for P P LWCF 24 005

Funding Number: P P LWCF 24 005
Funding Amount: $15,000,000
Media Training Program FY2024 Apply for TIRMEDIATRAINING1FY24

Funding Amount: $100,000
FY 2024 Request for Concept Notes for NGO programs benefiting Refugees in Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkiye Apply for SFOP0010137

Funding Number: SFOP0010137
Funding Amount: $4,000,000
Request for Information (RFI)- Biological Approaches for Developing a New Nitrogen Cycle in Agriculture for Bioenergy Crops Apply for DE FOA 0003199

Funding Number: DE FOA 0003199
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Implementing Evidence-Based Health Promotion Programs for Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Tourette Syndrome (TS) Apply for CDC RFA DD 24 0055

Funding Number: CDC RFA DD 24 0055
Funding Amount: $1,100,000
Documenting outcomes associated with Persistent Tic Disorders (including Tourette Syndrome) in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults through Surveillance Apply for CDC RFA DD 24 0083

Funding Number: CDC RFA DD 24 0083
Funding Amount: $750,000
BJA FY 17 State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Information Sharing and Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting Technical Assistance Program Apply for BJA 2017 13100

Funding Number: BJA 2017 13100
Agency: Bureau of Justice Assistance
Category: O
Funding Amount: $400,000


Grant application guides and resources

It is always free to apply for government grants. However the process may be very complex depending on the funding opportunity you are applying for. Let us help you!

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Inside Our Applicants Portal

  • Grants Repository - Access current and historic funding opportunities with ease. Thousands of funding opportunities are published every week. We can help you sort through the database and find the eligible ones to apply for.
  • Applicant Video Guides - The grant application process can be challenging to follow. We can help you with intuitive video guides to speed up the process and eliminate errors in submissions.
  • Grant Proposal Wizard - We have developed a network of private funding organizations and investors across the United States. We can reach out and submit your proposal to these contacts to maximize your chances of getting the funding you need.
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Thousands of people visit our website for their funding needs every day. When a user creates a grant proposal and files for submission, we pass the information on to funding administrators, grant writers, and government loan issuers.

If you manage government grant programs, provide grant writing services, or issue personal or government loans, we can help you reach your audience.

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